
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Let’s continue to pray for them and for each other.

I have never, in all my Catholic life, been to a Mass (or any Catholic gathering for that matter) — and I AM a Catholic who attends Mass whenever obligated and more — during which anyone, be it a priest, deacon, lay minister, fellow Catholic, etc., has maligned any Protestant denomination. In fact, we often pray for our Protestant brothers and sisters, and for unity once again. 
This article, and every time I see or hear of a Protestant denomination of which I’ve never heard before, always brings to mind the words, “Divide and conquer.” I think it must be Satan’s favorite mantra 
Let’s continue to pray for them and for each other.

Ora et labora
We must pray and work for unity. I believe that pointing out the errors in Protestant theology will hasten that unity for which we pray.
De Maria

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