
Sunday, March 3, 2013

The audacity

Hi Lutero,
You said:
What I find truly amazing about you is you have the audacity to even brush aside what Jesus the Son of the living God incarnate in the flesh said in Matthew 5:18 explicitly.
I believe and accept Matt 5:18. Here is what Matt 5:18 says:
Matthew 5:18
King James Version (KJV)
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
That says nothing about the Greek Septuagint unless someone twists it completely out of context and forces their own agenda into it.
Here’s what I find amazing about you. You have the audacity to claim to believe in the Bible, but when the Bible says, “hold the Traditions” (2 Thess 2:15), you say, “Scripture Alone!”. And when the Bible says, “not by faith only” (James 2:24), you say, “Faith Alone!”. When the Bible says, “according to their works” (Rev 22:12-15), you say “not according to their works”. And many other things we have shown that you force your Protestant agenda into the Word of God, twisting it completely out of context.
Instead you preferred to believe wholeheartedly on the article written by a woman
You have something against women?
You have something against believing in the Trinity?
The article which I posted showed that the Jews took offense at Jesus and altered their Hebrew Scriptures in order to void some of the Old Testament prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. But I guess that doesn’t make any difference to you. You would rather take the side of the enemies of Christ than the side of the Church which Christ established.
Now i really don’t know what you believe in the Catholic church, when a Church is supposed to be a pillar of truth and be a shining beacon for the ordinary faithful. Many times I day-dream on remembering fondly former greats US Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who always stood for the truth’s in the Bible. I am sure will remember their famous quotes without a shadow of doubt. These men were truly geniuses the world has ever know,
Sure. But I follow Christ through the Church He established to teach what He Commanded (Matt 28:19-20
God Bless you and all who have been readings the posts.
And you as well.
De Maria


  1. What traditions is Paul referring to in 2 Thessalonians 2:15? What exactly are they?

  2. The Teachings of Jesus Christ.


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