
Saturday, May 25, 2013

The evangelical camp has always believed that practical righteousness is the goal.

Lutero said:
Everyone in the evangelical camp has always believed that practical righteousness is the goal. The problem is in how it is to be achieved.
All false religions in the world believe that it is to be done by a system of mere law keeping.
Bible Christianity goes further and I may add, much more effectively by giving men new motivations and desires ie. a new heart.
??? Who gives men a new heart?
That is what Jesus meant when he said "Ye must be born again" -John 3:7. This is nothing less than a miracle that originates in the throne room of heaven and it is accomplished by the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell in the heart of a believer. The result is practical righteousness.
To be born again means to be Baptized. We are born again of water and Spirit.

In other words, God in his mercy deals with a sinner by declaring him justified and righteous and then exhorts him to live up to it. That is the Bible doctrine of justification by faith and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a miracle.
Only one problem. Its not in the Bible that way. God gives us faith and expects us to use it to become righteous by doing His Will. And then He justifies those who do.

Millions have been saved in this fashion. It works and millions will testifiy to the reality of it.
God knows who is saved. Those testimonies are false. They are people testifying to saving themselves by their faith. What did they do? How do you measure faith? Only God can do it and He says His measure is by patience in well doing?
Romans 2:7

King James Version (KJV)

7To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:


De Maria

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