
Sunday, May 5, 2013

This is the same Papias

Originally Posted by Lutero
This is the same Papias who, contradictory to Scripture, tells us that Judas continued to live and walked around acting impious and getting fat and that he died when he was run over by a cart.
Provide the proof. In the meantime, if you don't like Papias, how about:

For wherever both the true Christian rule and faith shall be shown to be, there will be the true Scriptures, and the true expositions, of all the true Christian traditions (The Prescription Against Heretics 19 [A.D. 200]).


Seeing there are many who think they hold the opinions of Christ, and yet some of these think differently from their predecessors, yet as the teaching of the Church, transmitted in orderly succession from the Apostles, and remaining in the churches to the present day, is still preserved, that alone is to be accepted as truth which differs in no respect from ecclesiastical and apostolic tradition (On First Principles Bk. 1 Preface 2 [circa A.D. 225]).


While [Ignatius of Antioch] was making the journey through Asia under the strictest military guard, he strengthened the diocese in each city where he stayed by spoken sermons and exhortations, and he especially exhorted them above all to be on their guard against the heresies which then for the first time were prevalent and he urged them to hold fast to the tradition of the Apostles to which he thought it necessary, for securities sake, to give form by written testimony (Ecclesiastical History, 3:36 [A.D. 325]).

When 'tradition' contradicts Scripture - 'tradition' must go.
That is why Protestantism must go. Protestant tradition contradicts Scripture:
Protestants say, "by faith alone!" Scripture says, "not by faith only!" James 2:24
Protestants say, "Scripture alone!" Scripture says, "hold the traditions by word and epistle!" 2 Thess 2:15

And I do find it amusing that a man who supposedly was inclined "not so much from books" wrote 5 books entitled Exegesis of the Lord's Gospel.
I find it amusing that you follow a man who said, "If the wife is unwilling, let the maid come!" (Of Married Life, Luther).

He got that wrong as well as his other doctrines. Scripture says:
Matthew 19:9

King James Version (KJV)

9And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

And also:

Matthew 19:6

King James Version (KJV)

6Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.


De Maria

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