
Friday, May 10, 2013

What is wrong with "going by Scripture" to determine truth?

Lutero said:
Hi Catholic friends,

What is wrong with "going by Scripture" to determine truth ?

Is this subject the main beef you have with us?
No. Its the, how did Cat put it, "innovative unauthorized, uninformed" interpretations which Protestants come up with that are the problem.

Tell me your thoughts on this.
 Just did.

The very best to you! 
 And to you!


De Maria


  1. Hi Lutero,

    For finding the truth, the scriptures is not the only way, you could find the truth in the church, what I mean is catholic church .

    Sincerely, Anna

    1. Absolutely! The Catholic Church is given the charism of the Holy Spirit to teach the truth throughout the world. Good answer Anna.

      Your servant in Christ,

      De Maria


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