
Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm asking Roman Catholics to deny that Mary is the mother of God.

Lutero said:
On this thread I'm asking Roman Catholics to deny that Mary is the mother of God.
Roman Catholics - Deny that Mary is the mother of God the Son.
Roman Catholics - Deny that Mary is the mother of God the Father.
Roman Catholics - Deny that Mary is the mother of God the Holy Spirit.
I am NOT asking you to deny:
1. That God the Father is God.
2. That God the Holy Spirit is God.
3. That God the Son is God.
Please deny what I'm asking you to deny, not what I'm NOT asking you to deny. I'm not asking you to deny the Deity of the Triune God or the fullness of the Godhead of all three Persons of the Triune God.
I'm asking you to deny that Mary is the mother of God.
Note: This is your chance to deny that Mary is the mother of God. It is NOT a chance to falsely accuse pultes Scotorum of denying the Godhood of God the Father or the Godhood of God the Holy Spirit or the Godhood of God the Son.

Cathy replies:

Yes, I deny that Mary is the mother of God the Father.
Yes, I deny that Mary is the mother of God the Holy Spirit.
No, I do NOT deny Mary is the mother of God the son.
There. I gave you two out of three.

Glorify the Lord by your life
Lutero said:
You deny that Mary is the mother of God the Father... and you deny that Mary is the mother of God the Holy Spirit
Cathy says:
Yes, you are correct.

Lutero says: you deny that Mary is the mother of God.
Cathy says:
No, you are wrong. I do NOT deny Mary is the mother of God.

Lutero says:
If you say that Mary IS the mother of God, yet you say that Mary is NOT the mother of the God the Father or God the Holy Spirit then you deny that God the Father is God and you deny that God the Holy Spirit is God.
Cathy replies:
Mary is the mother of God because she is the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son. Google communication of idioms. (communicatio idiomatum) if you want to get a better understanding of the issue.
Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord
Lutero says:
If you deny that Mary is the mother of the Holy Spirit then you deny that Mary is the mother of God. How could it be otherwise? Or perhaps you are denying that the Holy Spirit is God. This must be so if you claim on the one hand that Mary is the mother of God yet on the other hand you deny that Mary is the mother of the Holy Spirit. So you are saying that Mary is the mother of God and you are saying that Mary is not the mother of God.
De Maria says:

You are denying that Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Mary is the Mother of Jesus.
Jesus is the God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Or do you deny that Jesus is God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity?


De Maria

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