
Monday, September 9, 2013

Read the Catechism: Day 275 - Respect for the Dead

Read the Catechism in a Year

Day 275 - Respect for the Dead

The Fifth Commandment: You shall not kill.

How do Christians treat the corpse of someone who has died?

Christians treat the corpse of a dead person respectfully and lovingly, realizing that God has called him to the resurrection of the dead.

It is a traditional part of Christian funeral customs for the remains of a dead person to be buried in a dignified manner in the earth and for the grave to be decorated and tended. Today the Church also accepts other funeral arrangements (for instance, cremation), as long as they are not interpreted in a way contrary to the belief in the resurrection of the dead. (YOUCAT question 394)

Dig Deeper: Corresponding CCC section (2300-2301) and other references here.

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