
Saturday, September 28, 2013

We hold Mary as the most perfect example of Christian love.

Thomas said:
I don't know who wrote it... But I really like it. I'd like to share it with you.

Lord Jesus, Redeemer of all, hear my prayer.For the love You bear
to those who ask forgiveness,
look mercifully on me,
as once You looked on Mary Magdalene
and on Peter who denied You.

Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ,
as You looked on the thief on his cross
and on every sinner
whom You have ever forgiven.

Look on me, merciful Lord,
as You looked on Your mother, Mary,
standing in sorrow beneath Your cross.
Let me feel in my heart her compassion for You,
and let my eyes weep for the sorrows
my sins have caused.

Call me from darkness
to my Father's house,
give me a new heart
and a place at Your side
at the banquet of Your kingdom. Amen
Lutero asks:
Explain to me why you must feel in your heart HER COMPASSION for Christ. Shouldn't this be the Holy Spirit's doing to draw you to Him and not Marys'?

Where does he say, "must"? We hold Mary as the most perfect example of Christian love. But we don't pretend we can ever love Jesus as she did.
Lutero objects: 
Shouldn't this be the Holy Spirit's doing to draw you to Him and not Marys'?
Where does Thomas say that the Holy Spirit does not draw us to Christ? It is because the Holy Spirit draws us to Christ that we request of Him the grace of loving Christ as Mary did. In order that we can love Him as perfectly as humanly possible.


De Maria

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