
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dogs named for Bernard of Menthon

Yes, Catholics named saints after dogs .(St. Bernard)
That is a heroic breed of dog known for saving the lives of people lost in the snow and mountains.


The name "St. Bernard" originates from the Great St Bernard Hospice, a traveler's hospice on the often treacherous St. Bernard Pass in the Western Alpsbetween Switzerland and ItalyThe pass, the lodge, and the dogs are named forBernard of Menthon, the 11th century monk who established the station.[8]
"St. Bernard" wasn't in widespread use until the middle of the 19th century. The dogs were called "Saint Dogs", "Noble Steeds", "Alpenmastiff", or "Barry Dogs" before that time.

We are very proud that there is a breed of heroic, life saving dogs named after one of our Saints. I note that there are no heroic dog breeds named after any Protestants. Is that because you have no saints? no heroic dogs? or neither?


De Maria

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