
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Take the Catechism Test

Take the test.


How well do you know the teachings of the Church? This seven-part test covers then entire Catechism of the Catholic Church. Developed by Jim Seghers of Totus Tuus Ministries, this test has been used to instruct catechists and is used by seminarians to help in their studies.

Here's a partial of the first test:

In answering the questions below place a ? in front of the question if you are not certain of the answer. Place a G in front of the question if your answer is a guess. Note: some questions may have multiple answers.
To have your test graded, forward your answers to Jim Seghers’ Totus Tuus Ministries at
  1. The desire for God (27):
    1. is written in the human heart.
    2. Must be carefully developed because it is not innate to man.
    3. is innately lacking in many individuals.
  2. Men may reject God through sin (29):
    1. but he cannot never forget his longing for God
    2. and lose the sense of his vital bond to God
    3. neither
  3. We can know God (31):
    1. only through the gift of faith
    2. through proofs of reason like the proofs in natural sciences
    3. by reason alone through converging and convincing arguments
  4. It is possible to arrive at knowledge of the existence of God through the physical order, starting from movement, becoming, contingency, order and beauty (31- 32).
    1. entirely true
    2. entirely true for every rational person
    3. entirely false
  5. The reality of mankind’s freedom and the voice of conscience can lead to discovering the existence of God (33):
    1. partially true
    2. entirely false
    3. entirely true
  6. Which of the following statements is/are true (34):
    1. Man contains within himself his first principle.
    2. Man does not contain within himself either his first principle or last end.
    3. Man contains within himself is first principle, but not his last end.

  1. To achieve real intimacy with God depends on (35):
    1. God revealing himself and giving grace
    2. God revealing himself
    3. God giving his grace
  2. Revelation allows men to know God (38):
      YOUCAT: Youth Catechism
    1. with no admixture of error
    2. with certainty
    3. with ease, certainty and with no admixture of error
  3. Which of the following statements is/are correct (43):
    1. Faith allows us to grasp God as he is.
    2. Similarities between God and his creatures actually expresses a greater
    3. Both are correct.
  4. Which of the following is/are true (51):
    1. The Father calls all men to himself directly.
    2. It pleases God to have men share in the divine nature.
    3. Both.
  5. The fullness of God’s revelation is found in (53, 65, 75, 100):
    1. Sacred Scripture
    2. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
    3. Jesus Christ
  6. The first parents were created (54):
    1. in a state of grace and justice
    2. with natural goodness and preternatural gifts only.
    3. outside of God’s covenant
  7. The division of nations (57):
    1. was a punishment of sin
    2. was not a result of sin
    3. limited the pride of men
  8. Which of the following statements is/are true (60):
    1. Abraham’s descendants became the chosen people.
    2. The covenant with Abraham did not benefit the gentiles.
    3. Abraham is not a saint in the same sense of the New Testament saints. 

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