
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lighthouse Catholic Media CD sets

Multi-CD Sets

Take a crash course in some of today's most pressing topics from the experts... Dr. Scott Hahn, Venerable Fulton Sheen, Jason Evert, and Thomas Smith.

Answering Common Objections - 6-CD Set
As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows all too well the disputes between Catholic and non-Catholic Christians. Dr. Hahn here unveils the biblical evidence for the authority of the Pope, the doctrine of Purgatory, devotion to Mary and the Saints, the Sacrament of Confession, the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, and more! Learn more
The multi-CD set that started it all!

"I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, went to Catholic grade school and high school, but I never really understood the Catholic Faith. Then in the late 1990's I was given a CD set by Dr. Scott Hahn called Answering Common Objections. That CD set lit a fire within me. Then the idea came to put together a box with powerful CDs in it, to be placed in the back of a narthex."
- Mark Middendorf
Co-Founder and President of Lighthouse Catholic Media

Life is Worth Living - 18-CD Set

Does God know what it is to suffer? Is Christianity easy? Is life really worth living? In 50 priceless half-hour presentations from one of the best-loved Catholic speakers of all time, you and your family will discover that Christ and His Church have the answers to these questions and so much more.

The Case for Chastity - 6-CD Set

Chastity isn't a burden or a repressive medieval idea. It's the virtue that frees mankind to love.
In this set, Jason and Crystalina Evert discuss the strategies necessary to live a fully chaste life, while tackling difficult topics such as pornography, dating, natural family planning, and parenting.
Building a Catholic Biblical Worldview - 6-CD Set

Dr. Scott Hahn empowers us to discover just why the Catholic view of reality is true for everybody, whether they realize it or not. Every serious student of Catholicism will greatly benefit from the crucial insights and profound conclusions contained in this philosophical tour de force!

Inside Mormonism - 3-CD Set
Thomas Smith, a convert to Catholicism from the Mormon church, shares important insights about the beliefs and practices of Mormons and why many of today's Catholics are ill-prepared to respond to their challenge. Listen as he examines Mormonism from a Catholic perspective, and get the answers you've been looking for!

Why the Hell? - 6 CD Set The theology and reality of hell is a topic of much confusion, misunderstanding, and even fear. In this intensive study on hell, Dr. Hahn answers all the questions that matter most: Does it exist? Why is it necessary? What is it like? Who goes there? And most important -- How can you stay out forever?

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