
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mary is all of that and more.


Since you have not filled in the blanks... I'll help you out and we can all see what that looks like: .... 

Sounds as though you're not really interested in what we have to say. You are more interested in attempting to mock our faith.

Hypothetical question?
More like "argument by ridicule". You are attempting to ridicule his well articulated position by forcing words into his mouth.

Pure Fatherhood
Do you want the RCc many years after your dead and gone to teach people to put their hopes in you,
We follow the example of Christ. Christ elected to put Himself in Mary's power. He put His hopes in her from the moment he was conceived

them praying to you for your help,

As an infant, He cried for her nurturing breasts and her loving arms. So, yes, in imitation of Christ, we pray for her help.

and them depending upon you for all generations?

God appointed her the mother of all who believe in Christ and keep His Commandments:
Revelation 12:17

King James Version (KJV)

17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

And they are taught to Call you  the Holy, "Father of God?"
In line with the example given in Scripture:Luke 1:43
And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

You are the Mother of salvation,

Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, therefore she is the mother of our salvation.
You are the Mother of Mercy. 

Jesus is mercy incarnate. Therefore Mary is the mother of Mercy.

We know you never let anyone down, you  are the "giver of all graces" . 
Mary gave us Christ, who is the embodiment of all graces.

Holy Mother of God, full of grace, perpetually holy,

Mary is all of that and more.

Are you ok with all that?

You would be also, if you believed the Word of God.

The very best to you!
And to you!


De Maria

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