
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Protestant doctrines which contradict Catholic doctrine also contradict Scripture

Answering Common Objections - 6-CD Set


These verses don't prove any extra-Biblical doctrines actually came from God. Only false teachers will use this passage to convince the gullible that God gave them more teachings outside of Scripture.
I don't know to what you refer. However, all Catholic doctrines are in Scripture explicit or implied.

Whereas, Protestant doctrines, that means yours, which contradict Catholic doctrine also contradict Scripture.

Now, let me ask you, how do you know that Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark? Because its not stated in the Gospel text. I'll tell you. You learned it from Catholic Tradition.

Also, how do you know that the Holy Trinity is One God in three Divine Persons? Its not stated in the Bible either. I'll tell you. You learned it from Catholic Tradition.


De Maria

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