
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We do have one verifiable miraculous image of Jesus in the Shroud of Turin


There are several unscriptural events to be found in the Roman Catholic 'Stations of the Cross', which are depicted in nearly every RC church. For one, why is Jesus shown carrying the cross after Simeon carries the cross?
The reason they dreamed them up was so that people could venerate all those imaginary people in their fairy tales that did not exist, like "Veronica".


It gets more miraculous;
Jesus' face was wiped with her veil and left a perfect image on it.


The lies of the Roman Catholic stations of the cross are not very Christlike...and you are just fine with them.


Jesus said something about the Pharisees that fits you guys to a tee:

Matthew 23:24

King James Version (KJV)

24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

Most of the Way of the Cross is verifiable in Scripture.

1. Pilate condemned Jesus.
2. Jesus carried the Cross.
3. Jesus addressed the women.
4. Simeon was pressed into service to assist in carrying the Cross.
5. Jesus was stripped of His garments.
6. Jesus was nailed to the Cross.
7. Jesus died on the Cross.
8. Jesus was taken down from the Cross.
9. Jesus was laid in the tomb.

There are also several things which are not mentioned in Scripture but which seem very likely to be true.

1. Jesus fell three times. This is very likely the reason that Simeon was pressed into service.
2. Jesus met His afflicted mother. Obviously, Mary would have wanted to be as close as possible to her Son:

John 19:25

King James Version (KJV)

25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother,....

3. It is also, not unlikely, that a sympathetic unlooker would have wiped His sweat and offered Him something to drink.

Considering that we do have one verifiable miraculous image of Jesus in the Shroud of Turin, I have no reservations in believing that God left us another miraculous image somewhere else.


De Maria

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