
Monday, October 13, 2014

Just a thought about divorce and remarriage in the Catholic Church

On the Sacred Page, they are discussing the Synod of the Family and Catholic marriage.  That led me to this thought.

I wonder what the divorce statistics are for Catholics who have had their first marriage annulled?

I'm wondering because, the annulment process seems to be a very educational process. I've had several friends who went through the annulment process and it has been my experience that they learn a great deal about their faith going through that process.

I looked it up on the internet but could find no statistics regarding the divorce rate amongst Catholics who had married again after their first marriage was annulled. If this rate is very low because of the educational opportunity which the annulment process forces people to undergo, then it might be a Godsend if somehow, divorced people are pardoned but required to go through a similar process in order to remarry or if already remarried, in order to be restored to participation in the Sacraments.

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