
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lighthouse Catholic Media, new releases



Check out our newest inspiring talks

With something for everyone, this month's new releases are sure to inspire!

Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle B
Get the most out of Advent by following along with Fr. Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks the profound scripture readings for Sunday Masses throughout Advent and Christmas 2014.

Switching Sides
In this eye-opening presentation, popular writer and speaker Jennifer Fulwiler explains how her original support for abortion was based on love (and lies). Through sound logic and scientific proof, Jennifer chronicles how she came to accept the truth about abortion.

This talk includes a bonus segment taken from the popular talk entitled A Voice for the Unborn by pro-life activist and speaker Lila Rose.

Life is Worth Living Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living. This presentation features three talks from that program. Learn more

Want more more Archbishop Sheen?
Get the full 18-CD set of Life is Worth Living now for only $59.95

God Made Man In this Christmas themed presentation, Fr. Shannon Collins sheds new light on the biblical narratives of the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as the beautiful Christmas traditions of the Church.

The New Conversation: Changing Hearts & Minds on Abortion
Stephanie Gray is a passionate and uncompromising defender of the Catholic Faith, as well as an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. In this talk, Stephanie talks about the dignity of the human person through a biblical lens as she seeks the truth regarding today's pressing Life issues.

Is God on Your iPod? Is mainstream music bad for you? Can hit songs remind you of the things of God? Matt Smith discusses how we as Christians can judge all different types of music to determine whether or not it is going to lead us closer to The Good, The True, and The Beautiful... which is ultimately closer towards God.

This talk includes a bonus segment taken from the popular talk entitled Down to Earth by beloved speaker and author Mark Hart.

St. Ignatius and the Company of Jesus Seriously wounded in battle, the soldier Ignatius had a profound conversion to Christ during his period of healing and recovery. This presentation tells of his starting one of the Jesuits, and gives a graphic account of his adventures, his many encounters with popes, kings and emperors. Learn More

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