
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Perspicuity of Scripture?

Perspicuity is a big word which means, "easy to understand".  And Protestants, for the most part, claim that Scripture is easy to understand.  They call the doctrine, the Perspicuity of Scripture.  They use this doctrine to maintain that we don't need a Magisterium to tell them what Scripture means.

But, it seems to me, that perspicuity is a subjective term.  It depends upon so many things.  Reading ability, comprehension, intelligence, time to study, etc. etc.

Some people find Scripture easy to understand.  Some don't.  Some find some parts of Scripture easy to understand.  And others difficult.

So, essentially, the doctrine of Perspicuity of Scripture means nothing.  Because Scripture is not equally perspicuous to everyone.  And some people do need other people to tell them what Scripture means.

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