
Monday, December 8, 2014

Great product from Steve Ray!

Great Christmas Present: Test Drive It! A Catholic Library on my Laptop, iPad and iPhone

by STEVE RAY on DECEMBER 6, 2014
I’ve waited 20 years for this. I have the fantastic Verbum Catholic and Bible Software. They are doing it right! It is thoroughly Catholic — to my great joy. It continues to grow in resources and power. It is on my computer 24 hours a day!
But now the icing is on the cake! They have just released Verbum 6 with Bible atlases, Catholic Scripture commentaries, Church documents, timelines, Factbooks, lectionary and much more. But what I am thrilled with is the searchable Catechism. No longer a big cumbersome book on my lap or desk. It is fully searchable, linked to all the references AND is on my laptop, desktop, iPad and iPhone — all linked, synced and fast and very cool!
The Catechism is a spectacular hub for studying the Catholic Faith. The Catechism contains roughly 4,800 references to the Bible and other writings. The Logos edition links 95% of these to their sources, and these sources are themselves linked to other texts. The Catechism becomes a gateway into the Faith.
Hover the cursor over a footnote, Bible reference, quote from a Father or Council of the Church and a pop up window temporarily appears with the full quote. It is linked to the councils, to Scripture, to the whole 38-volume set of the Church Fathers — and that is just scratching the surface.
Check out this short video to see what power and speed and information is at your fingertips — even on a plane, in a car, under a tree, or in a class. You’ve gotta get this program if you love the Bible and the Catholic Faith.
See it below but BUY IT HERE FOR A 15% DISCOUNT  Enter Promo Code STEVERAY for the 15% discount.
See other demo videos on their website. This will make a great Christmas present for spouseseminarianfriendprieststudentor Yourself!

Click this for a short 2-minute video to show the POWER of Logos!
 From a friend: “Hello there Steve This is Bill from Saginaw. How are you, I thoroughly enjoyed your book Crossing The Tiber which I have given to several of my Baptists friend who are now talking civilly with me about my faith.
“With your book and the referral to Verbum I have learned an awful lot. Every time I log into Verbum I say a prayer you and your family. I do this out of gratitude for you introducing me to this wonderful Catholic resource. Thank you again Steve this really has made a difference in my journey.”
By the way, all my books and Bible studies are now on Verbum! Visit Use the Promo Code SteveRay for the 15% discount.
- See more at:

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