
Friday, December 26, 2014

Since Martin Luther violated Scripture's injunction to obey the Church, I find it very silly indeed.

Hi Alan,

Since you have experience on both sides, then you possibly have considered the following questions already.  They describe, in my opinion, a vast difference in the way we approach the Faith (i.e. Religion) of Christ.

1.  Did Christ write any Scripture?  Or did He rather, establish a Church, impart His Traditions upon that Church and command that Church to teach them to the world (Matt 28:19-20)?

I think you will admit that Jesus did not write any Scripture but in fact built an authoritative hierarchy and taught them His Traditions which He commanded be passed down to every generation.  Anyway, if you don't admit this to be true, this is what we believe and can prove from Scripture and history.

2.  Did the Church write the New Testament and put the Old Testament together with the New in the Bible?

Again, I think you have to admit this is true.  But even if you don't, this is what we believe and can prove from Scripture and history.

The reason I mention this is because these are important foundations from which we logically proceed.

Now, you proceed from an assumption of Scripture alone.  And
you said,

There is no evidence of her sinlessness,

Is there evidence of her sinfulness?  Is there any evidence at all, in Scripture, that Mary committed any sin?  Please provide chapter and verse so that we may discuss it.

 her perpetual virginity,

Please provide the verses which you think deny her perpetual virginity. Chapter and verse.

 her assumption into Heaven

We see in Scripture (Rev 12:1) where a Woman who gave birth to the Messiah is found bodily in heaven.  Since Mary is the mother of the Messiah, Jesus, we conclude that the Woman depicted in Rev 12 is symbolically teaches that Mary the mother of Jesus Christ is in heaven.

Do you have any proof, from Scripture, to the contrary?
or her majesty there as Queen of Heaven.

Following the same logic as above, we see Mary symbolically crowned with 12 stars in heaven.  Therefore, we conclude that God is telling that Mary is crowned the Queen of Heaven.

Do you have any evidence, from Scripture, to the contrary?

However, I believe the Protestants have it wrong by not talking about her at all. They’ve thrown the baby’s mother out with the bath water, so to speak. She is a major component in the life of Jesus, she is most certainly blessed among women, a tower of faith, grace and motherhood and should be talked about much more than she is – but she is not deity

Who said she was?

and therefore should not be prayed to 

To pray is to request.  That is the ancient meaning of the term.  Have you ever heard a phrase such as, "I pray thee, pass the salt."  That is a request for the salt.  We still use prayer to the saints in the same sense.

and worshiped like she is.

We do not worship Mary as God.  Although, worship is also not adoration when understood in the ancient sense.  Let me give you an example:
Joshua 5:14  KJV
And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, <b>and did worship,</b> and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant?

Did Joshua here hold the angel as God?  No.  He simply venerated the angel and humbled himself before the Messenger of God.

In the same way, we do not adore Mary nor hold her as a deity.  But we do humble ourselves before her and venerate her because she is the Mother of God.  And we also praise her in imitation of God.  God sent His messenger with the following message, "Hail Full of Grace....blessed art thou amongst women...."  That is praise.  But even that pales by the fact that God selected her to be the mother of His son.
 Jesus is the mediator between God and man, as Deacon Harold pointed out, but the role of intercessor belongs not to Mary or the saints but to the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who intercedes and points to Jesus. 

Should we then, disobey the Scriptures?
1 Timothy 2:1
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

According to Revelation 19:10, we are to worship God only. RCs do a little more than just pray to Mary. We are not to fall down before angels, 

See reference to Joshua above.

saints or even the mother of Jesus, unique and blessed though she is. What would you think if you saw a Protestant praying to Martin Luther? It seems silly to me.

Since Martin Luther violated Scripture's injunction to obey the Church (Matt 18:17) and to submit to and obey the rulers of the Church (Heb 13:17), I find it very silly indeed.


De Maria

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