
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Stand with your Priests and Pastors to Defend Religious Liberty!

 December 22, 2014

Priests for Life’s legal challenge to the HHS mandate is moving forward in the federal courts. 

The fourth such case to be introduced, back at the start of 2012, the Priests for Life lawsuit will now be appealed to the full body of judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where a three-judge panel issued an adverse ruling in November.

We are filing the papers with the Court today and we want you to stand with us!

We are determined to go all the way to the Supreme Court, which we are convinced we will need to do in due time. But what we are doing now is the next step in that process. Ultimately, no matter how the courts rule, we will not obey the mandate, no matter what the consequences.

Please send an email of support today to Priests for Life. I will give you information below as to how best to do that.

The Court has consolidated the case brought by the Archdiocese of Washington (whose case includes Catholic University of America, Thomas Aquinas College, and other plaintiffs) with that of Priests for Life. This consolidated case is at the lead of the religious non-profit cases against the mandate.
Lead attorney Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center explained, “Priests for Life is requesting that the D.C. Circuit rehear the case en banc (full court) because the panel’s decision directly conflicts with the Supreme Court’s recent decision inHobby Lobby, which provided an exemption for the for-profit business because of the strong Christian beliefs of its owners.

“Just as in the Hobby Lobby case,

Priests for Life believes that if it complies with the regulation, it will be facilitating immoral conduct in violation of its Catholic faith.

“And just as in Hobby Lobby, if Priests for Life does not comply, it will pay a heavy price. That is the very definition of an unlawful burden on religious exercise.  And should the full court refuse to rehear the case, we will seek review in the Supreme Court.


We have been receiving statements of support from priests and laity across the nation indicating that they stand with us in this battle for religious freedom. They know that this is not only a matter of the HHS mandate, but of the principle behind everything they do each day: The freedom of the Church to exist and function in society according to her beliefs.

Will you stand with Priests for Life?

We want to show the priests of the nation that you are with us – and we want to show the Courts and the media that we are all united and strong!

The unjust HHS mandate is not just a threat to religious non-profits like Priests for Life. It is an affront to every American!
We cannot sit by and let this happen.


Fr. Frank Pavone

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

P.S. This is the type of action that Priests for Life can take nationwide as we mobilize our movement. To help make it possible for Priests for Life to conduct campaigns such as this one, please click here and be as generous as you can.

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

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