
Friday, January 9, 2015

7QT's EZ Apologetics

7 Quick Takes, Pre-emptive strike, Answer a question with a question, Change the subject, Avoidance, Pawn them off on a friend, Hand them a cd, Send them to my blog

EZ Apologetics

Pre-emptive strike

Do it to them before they do it to you.  If you find out that someone is a Protestant, ask them a simple question.  Where does it say "Sola Scriptura" in Scripture?

Answer a question with a question.

If they ask you anything, like, "Where is purgatory in the Bible?"  Ask them, "Well, where does it say Sola Fide in Scripture?"
Change the subject.

If they say, "Luther ended the practice of indulgences."  You say, "Jesus Christ built the Church on Peter."

Them, "Are you saved?"  You, "Sorry, I'd love to stay and talk but my wife is waiting for me."

Pawn them off on a friend.

Them, "Why do you guys follow the Pope instead of Jesus."  You, "Let me introduce you to my friend."

Hand them a cd

Buy all the cd's that I offer on my blog.  Then, wait for them to come to your doorstep.  Or stop you on the street.  And BAM!  You hand them a cd.

Send them to my blog.

I'll handle 'em for you.

For more Quick Takes, visit This Ain't The Lyceum

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