
Thursday, January 8, 2015

La Biblia y los Sacramentos - estudio biblico en Houston, TX

Traduccion sigue abajo del ingles.

The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
The St. Paul Center's Journey Through Scripture
parish Bible study in Spanish, The Bible and the Sacraments,
is being presented in Houston, TX
Dear Friend in Christ,
      Beginning Tuesday morning February 10th, 2015, the Spanish version of The Bible and the Sacraments, one of the foundational studies of the St. Paul Center's Journey Through Scripture parish-based Bible study program is being presented in Houston, Texas.

       Journey Through Scripture is a dynamic, parish-based Bible study series incorporating live presentation, multimedia, small group discussion and some outside reading.  It’s a way for ordinary Catholics to grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures and deepen their understanding of the riches of the Catholic faith.

      The Bible and the Sacraments examines the sacraments of the Catholic Faith.  Not simply looking at the basic teaching of the Church as to their meaning and origin, it investigates the deeper mysteries they contain as illuminated by scripture.  The Bible and the Sacraments looks at eachsacrament individually, seeking to understand where they come from, what they mean and why they are so important and foundational to our faith.  Finding their institution in Christ and their origin in salvation history, they are God's gift of life to His children.  
      The Bible and the Sacraments will enrich your understanding and love of God's Word and help you to understand their Old Testament roots and New Testament institutions.

The Spanish 'Bible and the Sacraments' will be offered Tuesday morningsstarting at 10:00 a.m. in Room 201 at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church (11507 Huffmeister Road, Houston, TX 77065).    The study will begin on Tuesday, February 10th.  Lessons are consecutive please try and attend the first class to receive your workbooks.  

PRE-Registration is required as space is limited for this event.  Register online at or print off a registration form to turn in to the Parish Office.  Registration deadline is February 2nd. Please contact Deacon Jack Alexander at or Ana Luisa Arellano
So join us as we enter into the Word of God and prepare to share it with the world. The New Evangelization is here…So we hope to see you there!

Yours in Christ,

Scott Hahn, Ph.D.


Clase titulada, 'Biblia y los Sacramentos " en español se ofrecerá  en la Iglesia Católica, Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer,  11507 Huffmeister Road, Houston, TX 77065). 

El estudio comenzará el Martes, 10 de Febrero,  a las 10:00 a.m. en la Sala 201.   Por favor trate de asistir a la primera clase para recibir sus libros en adelante.  Lecciones son consecutivas

Se requiere inscripción previa ya que el espacio es limitado para este evento. Regístrese en línea en o imprimir un formulario de registro para entregar a la Oficina Parroquial. Fecha ultima de inscripción es el 2 de febrero. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el diácono Jack Alexander en o Ana Luisa Arellano

Juntese con nosotros cuando entramos en la Palabra de Dios y nos preparamos para compartirlo con el mundo. La nueva evangelización esta aquí ... Así que esperamos contar con su presencia!

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