
Monday, January 12, 2015

Priests for life update - January 12, 2015

Prayer service and other activities next week –

For Churches – alert them to for preaching, prayer, and educational materials for Sanctity of Life Sunday, which many observe this coming weekend.

During the World Meeting of Families, Priests for Life will be organizing an event on the theme of pro-life forWednesday evening, September 23. If you are planning to come to Philadelphia, please mark that date.
Please leave comments on the following two articles:

Our press conference about our new initiative Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion -- Washington Times 


Fr. Frank
National Director, Priests for Life

Former abortionist to discuss leaving the business on 'Gospel of Life'
History will be made at this year’s March for Life when a former abortionist marches with the women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. Dr. Anthony Levatino will carry a sign that reads “I Regret Performing Abortions” as he takes part in a new initiative called Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion.

Dr. Levatino will be Janet Morana’s guest on Radio Maria’s “Gospel  of Life” at 6 p.m. ET Tuesday, Jan. 13.  Listeners are invited to call in to ask a question on the air during the show by calling 1-866-333-6279

Those who would prefer to email a question in advance may do so at

Dr. Levatino began doing abortions in 1977 during his obstetrical residency. He performed both first- trimester suction abortions and second -trimester saline abortions. Over the next five years, he performed approximately 1,200 abortions, including 100 second-trimester D&E abortions up to 24 weeks.

His personal and professional lives began to intersect when he and his wife were told they likely would not be able to conceive a child of their own, and they began looking for a baby to adopt.

“It was during that time that I had my first doubts about performing abortions,” Dr. Levatino says. “I felt like I was throwing children in the garbage at the same time we were trying so hard to find a child to love and care for as our own.”

A month after they adopted a baby girl they named Heather, Dr. Levatino’s wife conceived a child and later gave birth to a son. He repressed his doubts about abortion, until the day his daughter was hit by a car and killed just two months before her sixth birthday.

“I stopped doing second-trimester abortions soon after she died,” he recalls. “For a few months I continued to perform early first- trimester abortions but a change had occurred that I couldn’t take back.  When I came to the realization that killing living children in the second trimester was wrong, it took only a little while longer to realize that killing all children is wrong no matter how big or small they are.”

Dr. Levatino became involved in the pro-life movement within the next year.

“It has helped me heal and to find forgiveness,” he says. “How do you make up for 1,200 dead kids? You can’t, not without the grace of God.”

Also on Tuesday’s “Gospel of Life,” Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, will join Janet to talk more about Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion and its official debut at the March for Life on Jan. 22in Washington, D.C.

For a list of Radio Maria stations or to tune in to “Gospel of Life” on the Internet, go to the Radio Maria website.  Tablet and smart phone users also can download a free Radio Maria app so they can listen to the show wherever they go.

The show will be rebroadcast at 2 a.m. ET Thursday and midnight ET on Sunday. All the shows are archived at

Please tune in to our other TV and Radio shows and special appearances this week:

Airing on EWTN: Wednesday, January 14th at 2:30 am.  Listen on EWTN Radio Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 5 a.m. (All times Eastern).
This Week's Topic: I Aborted Motherhood, and Helped Others do the Same 
Janet Morana and Fr. Denis Wilde invite Catherine, a former Planned Parenthood employee as she shares a first-hand account of working there.

Airing on EWTN: Friday, January 16th at 10:30 am
This Week's Topic: Pope Francis and the Deeper Theology of Women 
The trio welcomes theologian Monica Migliorino Miller, PhD to discuss what Pope Francis means by this new theology of women.

Airing Schedule: Watch on  National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday, January 13th at 4:30 pm ET. The NRB Network is on DIRECTV, channel 378. Also airing on SkyAngel 2 onFriday, January 15th at 6 am. ET.

This Week on NRB: King, Roe and Unity

This Week's Topic on SkyAngel: Forgiven and Set Free

Kevin Burke will be interviewed by Toni Berry and Dawn Nelson for the Immaculate Heart Radio station broadcasting from Las Vegas, NV.  Topic: Rachel’s Vineyard/Post Abortion Healing. The interview will air on Saturday January 17, 2014 at 12pm and on Monday January 19, 2014 at 1pm (Pacific Time Zone). The show will also be available to stream. To hear the show go to  and click on the Listen Live button. 

See our online media schedule for more information and for the airing times of our Spanish programming.

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