
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Calvinists are saved by a faith alone which is not alone

ERIC February 10, 2015 at 8:42 amJim and Lane and whomever else:As I’ve said before, the whole faith/love separation is really not all that abstract or artificial. Genuine faith is a gift. It is always accompanied by the gift of love. We are saved by the gift,….
So, not by faith alone. But by a faith which is always accompanied by love.
not by the application of the gift…..
Where is that in Scripture?


  1. Shhhhhh...

    You shouldn't have told them that De Maria. They really want to feel special :-)

    Love from God is not a gift. It is constant. Grace is a gift that allows us to open our hearts and souls to God's love.

    God's love must be constant because God's Love is existence - life. To suggest that God's love is a gift implies that we are really walking around as some sort of empty non-living automaton.

  2. I guess I should have been more specific. What I meant is that they claim to be saved by a faith that is not alone. So, what's the difference between that and the Catholic Doctrine of salvation by faith and works of love?

    Its almost like they just want to reject the Catholic Doctrine, although they affirm it. It makes no sense. How can it be by faith alone yet that faith is not alone? It's one or the other.

    So, you're right. I messed that one up.

    1. It all boils down to authority.

      As long as they feel that they can derive a doctrine based upon their own understanding of Scripture (no matter how similar or exact it may be to the Catholic Church) it is a good thing because a "Pope" didn't have to tell them.

      I just wish they understood the office of the Pope better :-(


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