
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Israel is a man

Note:  With reference to the Woman of Rev 12, a Protestant said that the Woman was Israel.  Which is possible, indirectly, if the metaphor is used with reference to the nation, but more directly, it is a reference to the Woman, Mary.  Why?  Because Israel is originally, a man.

I hope you have searched the Scriptures and found that Israel is referred to as a WOMAN and not a man as you said in another thread.
Israel is a man:

Genesis 32:27-29

King James Version (KJV)

27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

Do you deny it?


De Maria

Another note:  The reason this is important, is because most Protestants deny that the Woman of Revelation 12 is a reference to Mary.  They claim it is a DIRECT reference to Israel.  They can't seem to get it in their heads that a woman is a more direct reference to a woman than a man or a nation.  Mary is a woman.  Therefore, the most direct reference of the Woman of Rev 12, is to Mary, the mother of the Messiah which is there depicted.


  1. What protest-ants ALSO seem to forget, is that God created Adam and Eve and that it was this original design for which God would populate His Earthly Kingdom. We know Christ is the New Adam. So by throwing the New Eve, Mary, out of the equation, protest-ants are claiming that God's original design was flawed and that He had to change it.

    Also, since Israel is a man, how can he be shown to be pregnant and having birthing pains?

    God Bless De Maria!

    1. Exactly! Israel is the man for whom Israel is named. It is a Patriarchy. But suddenly and in order to conform to their erroneous doctrines, they want to ignore the fact that Jesus was born of a Woman.

      How convenient.

  2. I was watching some protest-ant videos last night and I can now understand why it is so many of them think the way the do. Their theology is completely skewed in understanding that God is OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT. They also lack in their understanding of Christology (sacrificed before the foundations of the world - see Revelations). Watched Jason Stillman's "The Journey Home" video last night with Marcus Grodi. He reveals a lot of the protest-ant flaws in theology and covenant understandings

    1. Yes. I'm so sorry to hear that his transition has been so difficult. Keep Jason in your prayers.

  3. Another argument they like to make is this one: "Oh well, the Woman there is obviously the Church because Christ always refers to His Church as His "bride"."

    Big Problem with that. Christ STARTED His Church. By implying that the Woman is pregnant and giving birth to the Messiah, protest-ants are implying that THE CHURCH WAS FIRST and then gave birth to the Messiah. Impossible! Christ had to come to Earth FIRST and then preach and establish His Church.


    1. De Maria
      10:38 AM (0 minutes ago)

      to Mark
      Excellent point! Although we believe the Woman is another indirect metaphor for the Church giving birth to Christ in us when we are baptized. However, they insist that it is an explicit reference to the Church but want to ignore the consequence of their flawed logic.


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