
Monday, February 9, 2015

Priests for Life - February 9, 2015

A five-decade veteran of the pro-life movement will be Janet Morana’s guest Tuesday, February 10 at 6 p.m. ET on Radio Maria’s “The Gospel of Life.”  To find a station or to listen online, go to the Radio Maria website.

In January 1973, Frances O’Connell, MEV, was a mother of eight and working one day a week as a nurse in the newborn nursery of a Long Island hospital when her view of the world changed. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 7-2 ruling, had declared that babies in the womb could be killed through all nine months of pregnancy.

“Taking care of my own family and caring for the tiny babies in the nursery, I could not believe precious pre-born lives were at risk,” she recalled. “Overnight, some doctors were talking about incorporating abortion into their private practice.”

The moment she heard the decision in Roe v. Wade, “I vowed that I would educate myself on what to say to anyone who believed the practice of aborting babies was part of a civilized culture.”

In her diocese, volunteers quickly sprang into action. A respect life committee was formed at her parish, St. Christopher’s in Baldwin, and a couple donated an RV that was converted and renamed “Life Mobile,” to bring pro-life materials to a different church in the diocese each weekend. Before long, Mrs. O’Connell found herself giving presentations on the humanity of the unborn, the violence of abortion, and the harm it does to women and families. She helped organize the first Stand Up for Life conference in the diocese and she was an acquaintance and supporter of Ellen McCormack, another Long Islander who ran for president as an anti-abortion candidate in 1976 and 1980, doing well enough to become the first woman to qualify as a candidate for federal financing and Secret Service protection.

“She truly was a pioneer in showing the world what a grass-roots person can do to defend the rights of the defenseless,” said Frances, whose own son and son-in-law also ran for New York State Assembly seats under the banner of the Right to Life Party.

Even though her heart breaks every day that abortion remains a legal and available “choice,” Frances has never thought of giving up her fight against it. She is an MEV, or member of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, a lay evangelistic group sponsored by Priests for Life, and  at the age of 82, gives pro-life talks and presentations wherever she is invited.

“To be part of the pro-life movement is a true blessing,” she said. “As a lay missionary of life, new paths seem to be opening … new opportunities to spread the Gospel of Life.”

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, also will join Janet in the radio booth. Listeners with questions or comments for Frances, Janet or Father Frank are invited to call in to Radio Maria on its toll-free number, 866-333-6279. Those who would prefer to email a question may do so by writing to

“The Gospel of Life” is re-aired at 2 a.m. ET on Thursdays and midnight Sunday. All the shows are archived at

Please tune in to our other TV and Radio shows and special appearances this week:

Defending Life TV/Radio

Airing on EWTN: Wednesday, February 11th at 2:30am and Thursday, February 12th at 11:00pm. Listen on EWTN Radio every Saturday at 6:30pm ET and Sunday at 5am.  (All times Eastern)

Topic: Regretting My Abortion Led me to be a Voice for the Unborn!
Janet Morana and Fr. Denis Wilde share the testimony of Shari Richard and how ultrasound technology proves the humanity of the unborn.

The Catholic View for Women

Airing on EWTN: Wednesday, February 11th at 11:00 pm and Friday, February 13th at 10:30 am

Topic: Newsflash, Pope Francis is Still Catholic!
The trio discuss how Pope Francis has been misquoted in the secular media and warning faithful Catholics how not to be mislead.

Gospel of Life TV

Airing: Watch on  National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday, February 11th at 4:30 pm ET. The NRB Network is on DIRECTV, channel 378. Gospel of Life is archived on the NRB Network Roku channel for seven days from the original air date. Also airing on SkyAngel 2 on Friday, February 13th at 6 am. ET.

This Week on NRB: Descendants of Dred Scott & Booker T. Washington

This Week's Topic on SkyAngel: Margaret Sanger & Planned Parenthood

Defendiendo La Vida

El aborto deja heridas que permanecen abiertas por largo tiempo, el Padre Víctor Salomón, de la Asociación de Sacerdotes por la Vida, habla sobre como sanar las heridas del aborto.

Watch on EWTN

martes, 10 de Febrero a las 20:30 (8:30pm)
miércoles, 11 de Febrero a las 1:00
sábado, 14 de Febrero a las 18:00 (6:00pm)

Other special appearances this week...

Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo.  Fr. Frank will be on with Teresa, February 11 at 8:35 a.m.  Call-in to the live show with questions at 877-573-7825. For more information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to

Go to our online media schedule for more details and the very latest programming information.

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

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