
Monday, March 16, 2015

For some reason, those who believe in Sola Scriptura find this teaching objectionable. Perhaps they don't believe all of Scripture?

I would think that Jesus calling Mary mother might be considered an attribute.
please stop making goes against all the superstitious nonsense the protestants teach as doctrine and manmade religions in their frenzy they even attack the mother of God

Let's see, I think someone asked where to find the Assumption of Mary. It is in Rev 12:1.

The Apostle John has seen a woman in heaven. This woman is the mother of the Christ. Scripture tells us that the mother of Christ is Mary:

Matthew 1:16

King James Version (KJV)

16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

For some reason, those who believe in Sola Scriptura find this teaching objectionable. Perhaps they don't believe all of Scripture?


De Maria


  1. They only want to believe what they like.

  2. That's the difference between Protestants and Catholics. We believe in absolute truth. We accept the truth whether we can understand it or not. Whereas, the truth, as they see it, must conform to that which they can understand.

    1. Exactly! That is why miracles and mysteries mean nothing to them.


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