
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

There is more than one election in Catholicism.

De Maria,Thanks for admitting your lie about the Catholic Doctrine of Election, also.
Robert:That’s no lie. Election, by definition, confesses that those who are saved will persevere. You all just make up this category of people that are predestined to grace but not to glory.


That’s no lie.

Yes, it is.

Election, by definition, confesses that those who are saved will persevere.

By Protestant definition. There is only one election in Protestantism.
There is more than one election in Catholicism. There is election for justification and election for glory.

You all just make up this category of people that are predestined to grace but not to glory.

That’s my good Protestant. If you don’t like it, or don’t want it, or can’t believe it, it isn’t so. Go on living in your delusions.

However, Catholic Doctrine admits multiple elections. Whether you like it or not.

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