
Sunday, June 21, 2015

There are no contradictions in Catholic doctrine. You were misled.

PG:A missionary challenged me in regards to RCC; so with the big family RCC bible, I set out to prove RCC was the correct church. God opened my eyes to the contradictions between RCC teachings in back of bible and their own bible.
There are no contradictions in Catholic doctrine. You were misled.

I came to the point where I cried out to the Jesus of the Bible, and turned my back on the RCC Jesus.
The Catholic Jesus is the Jesus of the Bible. If you turned your back on Him, then you turned your back on Jesus. Period.


De Maria

1 comment:

  1. I think I would like to address this comment by PG.

    It's very apparent from his posting that he did not have a thorough understanding of Scriptures at the time he encountered this pro-testant missionary (wolf-in-sheep's-clothing). What more than likely happened was PG couldn't reference the Scriptural passages that are everywhere and abundant to support the Catholic Doctrine.

    PG may also have grown up in an environment similar to mine, whereby, we never were taught the Bible and were never properly cathechized, thus it was easy to fall away from hearing things we were not familiar with.

    But PG needs to understand, salvation isn't as easy as "hearing and accepting" certain ideas.


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