
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A different boat

LuteroIt is the Council of Trent that anathemetizes Protestants over 30 times for professing ‘justification by faith alone’. 

That’s because “justification by faith alone” is a new Gospel. See Gal 1:8
Sorry De Maria, but my journey has taken me to a different (in my opinion, better) boat and I would never think of going back to the Catholic boat again. Jesus is my captain… and besides, there will be none of these silly divisions in Heaven. Only those who love God. May God continue to lead you in your journey.
You are right about that. But don’t you want to walk with the Saints today? You can only do that if you submit to the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Otherwise, you will have to await the judgement to see if your works are judged worthy of admittance into heaven (Titus 3:5Heb 12: 21-24Rev 22:12-15).

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