
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Intermediaries are not necessary

The Priest, representing Christ and forgiving sins in His name.
All born again believers can approach boldly the throne of Grace for the forgiveness of sins – 1 John 1:9.
1. You don’t understand that verse because you have discarded the Traditions which Scripture tells you to hold (2 Thess 2:15). But that verse describes the Sacrament of Confession.
2. The Spirit blows where it will (John 3:8). So it is true that faithful believers may approach the throne of Grace for the forgiveness of sins. However, not all are faithful believers (Matt 7:21). Many who claim to believe, fool themselves (James 1:22-23).
3. But those who obey God will be saved (Heb 5:9). And God wants you to submit to the Priest (Heb 13:17).
So it isn’t necessary for intermediaries.
Necessity is besides the point. God commands you to submit to and obey the Church (Matt 18:17). Either obey God’s word or pay the consequences.
The question should be, “believe in who?” The answer is, “Christ.”What have we to believe in Christ” What are the requirements we need to believe in Christ in order to get to heaven?
John 14:21-23Matt 25:31-45Mark 16:16 Do you need more?  I do my best. As I said before, God is my judge (1 Cor 4:4).
Doing your best is “self-righteousness”. And is at best “filthy rags” in the sight of God – Isaiah 64:6.
You need to read Isaiah 64:6 in the proper context. God sees the works of the unfaithful as filthy rags. Look even one verse back, to Isaiah 64:5 and see that God meets those who work righteousness (Psalm 15:1-2).
God will strictly judge you solely by his Word. He will not consider anything else as He magnifies (Stands for ) only his Word above his name. The truth is the Word of God and he sanctifies those who are only obedient to his Word as per John 17:17.
How do you obey His Word by denying His Word? Jesus says, keep the Commandments (John 14:21-23). Jesus says feed the hungry, clothe the naked (Matt 25:31-45). How do you obey His Word by denying His Word?
That is why God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son to save the lost (you and me) and believing on him through a “personal-relationship” with him, we are saved.
How do you believe in Him and then deny His Word? He said the “bread I will give is my flesh” (John 6:51). How do you believe in Him and deny His Word?
We are not saved by following religious rituals, attending Church. etc.
Scripture says that those who reject religious rituals “tread underfoot the Son of God” (Heb 10:25-31). And Christ said to do those rituals in remembrance of Him (1 Cor 11:24). What, do you not want to remember the One you claim to love? Is one hour a week too much to pay for the salvation which He wrought with His Blood?
Grace is dispensed by the God to every individual on a personal level who come forward to sincerely accept his free gift offer of salvation by faith in Christ in believing the Gospel – Ephesians 2:8-9.
Yeah. That doesn’t mean staying at home and watching the football game while saying to yourself, “I don’t need to go to Church”. It means proclaiming His death until He comes again (1 Cor 11:26).
Biblical salvation is by faith alone and any attempt to add “co-operating” works to the Gospel of Christ is perverting the Gospel.
You are perverting the Gospel when you claim that one can remain where he is and consider himself saved. For one thing, it is God who is judge. For another, you have previously admitted that faith which does not produce good works is a dead faith. Therefore, in your zeal to contradict the Word of God preached by the Catholic Church, you contradict even yourself.
That is why St.Paul was smart and knew “ravening wolves” would pervert the Gospel of Christ,
As you are now doing.
so he sharply rebuked the believers at Galatia – see Galatians 1:5-9. Also St.Paul in Galatians 1:13-15 admits that as a former pharisee and of the Jews religion how he persecuted the followers of Christ, but was “called out” solely by the Grace of God and not by becoming a member of some Church or religious ritual.
Back up to Acts 9. What do you think would have become of St. Paul if he had not “washed away his sins calling on the name of the Lord (Acts 9:18Acts 22:16)”? Is that a ritual he underwent? Who commanded him to undergo that ritual? What would have happened if he had disobeyed the One who commanded him to undergo that ritual?
Galatians 5:4 states that we are fallen from God’s grace is preach that the we are justified by the Law.
Who told you to be justified by the law? Understand this, we are not justified by the law, but unless you keep the law, you will not be justified by God (Rom 2:13).
There were those “judaizers” – the so called ravening wolves (Acts 20:29) that St.Paul was referring to. Thy did preach exactly the “true Gospel of Christ” but they also preached the necessity of being circumcised, keeping the Sabbath. etc. That is why St,Paul sharply rebuked the perversion of the Gospel of Christ. Why?? They were adding “works” to the pure Gospel of Christ – the so called circumcision, keeping the Sabbath etc.
YOU are mistaken. They were confusing the works of the flesh with the works of love (Gal 5:6). Works of the flesh, such as “circumcision”, avail nothing. Only works of love are important for you salvation (Rom 13:10).
The pure Gospel of Christ has the power to “save” and it become powerless if we add “works to it”.
It becomes powerless if we do not add “love” to it (1 Cor 13:1-3).
The Gospel of Christ cannot be “polluted” by adding additional requirements tacked onto it. St. Paul himself being a Jew and a former hard-core pharisee condemned this practice of polluting the pure Gospel of Christ and this is the same doctrinal errors the Catholic church just like those Judaizers did. In fact there is a lot of similarity between the Catholic and Judaism religions.
On the contrary, it is the Protestants who dare to declare themselves righteous setting aside the righteous judgment of the Lord and putting themselves in His Place (1 Cor 4:4).
Baptism is a Sacrament. But all the Sacraments are spiritual baptisms. We receive the Holy Spirit in every Sacrament and are washed in the grace of our Lord (Titus 3:5).

That is Catholic proprietary teaching and not in accordance with Biblical teaching. Biblical Baptism by immersion (only valid) is an outward sign to signify an inward re-generation.
Actually, that which you said is almost correct, except for the immersion part. It is Catholic Teaching that the water is a symbol of the work of God which is happening when one is Baptized.
It is a public testimony that a person professes to make only after believing the Gospel of Christ. When we are immersed in water it signifies we are buried in death with Christ, and when we come out of the water it signifies we are raised to a new life in Christ in his Resurrection. The Holy Spirit of God does not come in sacraments or Eucharist but in-dwells in every Bible believer who places absolute trust or faith in Christ alone and the scriptures.
You sound very much like Naaman. He also denied that God could cure him through water. But, he learned that water is no obstacle to God. (2 Kings 5:11-15).
How can you claim to believe in the Gospel and deny that God can work through any element? John 9:11;John 2:9Acts 5:15Acts 19:12
How powerless is Christ in your opinion? We believe that Christ can work through all the elements and through all the Sacraments. You believe that He can work through none.
I don’t like your Gospel. Go tell it to someone else.
Every Bible believer is re-generated by the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit Baptism) by God Grace through faith alone in Christ.
Every Bible believer claims he is. But Bible believers, like yourself, don’t even believe the Bible. They just claim to do so. If they believed the Bible, they would rejoice in their water Baptism. Because it is in water Baptism that you will receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (read more).
De Maria

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