
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ten days off of purgatory?

Originally Posted by LuteroDeMaria - did you know that you can get a minimum of 10 days off
Did you know that all you need to do is say, "Jesus I accept you into my heart" and you are saved no matter how many sins you commit?

purgatory for yourself for every time you make the sign of the cross with holy water? If you practice alot, you can learn to cross yourself with holy water 100 times in machine-gun-like fashion and rack up 1,000 days REALLY fast! Or you can get just as many indulgences by quickly reciting, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - pray for me" one hundred times. You can gain these indulgences while watching a TV commercial, sitting at a stop light, during the 7th inning stretch - the possibilites are endless and racking up the "time out of purgatory" is always the double bonus and that extra-reinforced 'safety net' in your heavenly 'indulgence account' always at the ready for "future withdrawal." Just wondering ... if by chance, you don't use all of your stored indulgences, can they be transferred to someone else's indulgence account?
As usual, all you can do is build straw men and knock them down. Probably for your own amusement.

However, show me the true Catholic Teaching on this matter and I will show you how it is completely in line with the Teachings of Jesus Christ in Scripture:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

King James Version (KJV)

16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Yeah, your altar call is not in Scripture. But indulgences are very much in Scripture. 


De Maria


  1. Did someone ask about the prayer of St. Gertrude? I see it in my inbox, but I don't see it out here.

    The question is:
    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ten days off of purgatory?":

    Have you heard of the promise of the brown scapular or the prayer of st Gertrude?

    Yes, I have. I wear the brown scapular everyday and I pray the prayer of St. Gertrude everyday.

    1. Its more than 10 days off purgatory but the releasing of a thousand souls out of purgatory every time it is said.
      ""St. Gertrude's Prayer," was dictated by Our Lord to St. Gertrude the Great, a Benedictine cloistered nun and a mystic. In the twelfth century, the Lord told the Saint that this prayer (approved and recommended by M. Cardinal Pahiarca of Lisbon, Portugal on March 4, 1936) releases 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each time it is offered."

      With such a prayer the RCC could have all RC's pray this prayer just once and most if not all souls in purgatory would be released. You could literally empty out purgatory.

      Question: Has your church done this? Has it emptied out purgatory?

  2. Question: Has your church done this? Has it emptied out purgatory?

    1. Only God knows the answer to that question.
    2. Millions upon millions of people die everyday. And the vast majority, in my opinion, end up in Purgatory. So, even if Purgatory were emptied for an instant. In the next instant, someone else would die and arrive there.

    1. Has your church ever communicated to all its churches for RC's to pray this prayer to get as many souls out of purgatory as it possibly can in a few days time? You would think they would considering what Mary through Gertrude promised.

    2. Our Lord. It is Our Lord who communicated to St. Gertrude this prayer in a vision.

      St. Gertrude the Great is invoked for souls in purgatory and for living sinners. Our Lord told St. Gertrude that the following prayer would release 1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well.
      St. Gertrude the Great

      And yes, it is a very popular devotion. And very important. Pray for the holy souls.

    3. Is this prayer talked about daily at mass? Is it in the bulletins so rc's can pray to release 1000 souls a day from purgatory?

    4. The Mass is in remembrance of Jesus Christ. That is His command:
      Luke 22:19
      And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

      That is the main focus of the Mass. Our Lord did not instruct St. Gertrude that He wanted this devotion mentioned daily in the Mass.

      If you are so concerned about the Holy Souls in Purgatory, are you praying this prayer? What are you doing to ease their suffering?

      If you are not doing anything, what are you complaining about?

    5. Does the mass have the power to free 1000 souls from purgatory every time it is done?

  3. More.

    May I ask what your concern is with Purgatory? Did you not know that Purgatory is the mercy of God? All Souls in Purgatory will go to heaven. Did you not know that?

    1. I know what the doctrine of purgatory is. Purgatory is not a pleasant place and if there is a way not to spend time there then that is all the better. That's why I'm asking if your church promotes the prayer of St Gertrude. It certainly would alleviate a lot of pain for a lot of people.

  4. Yes, the Catholic Church does promote the prayer of St. Gertrude. As far as I know, the Catholic Church is the only one that does.

    But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing for the Holy Souls in Purgatory?

    1. Do you assume that most of purgatory is empty given that a prayer that can release 1000 souls at a time and prayed 10 times a day by 1 million RC's would probably empty out purgatory easily within a month even if all of mankind that has ever existed there?

      Purgatory is unbiblical doctrine. It does not exist. None of the apostles ever taught such a thing. I Cor 3 is not about a purgatory.

    2. AnonymousMarch 12, 2013 at 1:54 PM
      Do you assume that most of purgatory is empty given that a prayer that can release 1000 souls at a time and prayed 10 times a day by 1 million RC's would probably empty out purgatory easily within a month even if all of mankind that has ever existed there?

      How do you know? Do you consider yourself God?

      I don't concern myself with how many souls are in Purgatory. I concern myself with doing my duty and praying for those Holy Souls, everyday.

      Purgatory is unbiblical doctrine. It does not exist.

      Then what do you call this prison?
      Revelation 2:10
      Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

      None of the apostles ever taught such a thing. I Cor 3 is not about a purgatory.

      Then what do you call that place where a righteous man is saved as though through fire? (1 Cor 3:15) We call that place Purgatory.

    3. Purgatory has do with cleansing the soul from sin. I Cor 3 has nothing to do with sin. Rev 2:10 is not about purgatory either.

      You should concern yourself with purgatory given that your church has at its disposal to empty it. You should be greatly troubled that it has not not so given the power of the prayer of St Gertrude.

    4. AnonymousMarch 12, 2013 at 2:56 PM
      Purgatory has do with cleansing the soul from sin. I Cor 3 has nothing to do with sin.

      Certainly, it does. Works of wood and straw represent, symbolically, sins. They are not good works, but wicked works, which must be purged from the soul by fire.

      Rev 2:10 is not about purgatory either.

      It is a description of Purgatory. Otherwise, name the jail, in this life, where Satan is the warden. If you can't, then it is a description of a place in the after life, where Satan is allowed to try the soul of the righteous person.

      You should concern yourself with purgatory given that your church has at its disposal to empty it.

      1. Your logic is flawed. Too many people die daily for Purgatory to ever be emptied until the end of time when people cease to die because all people will have died.

      2. I concern myself with obeying Christ. And Christ has given many commands besides that we should pray for the souls in purgatory.

      3. The souls in purgatory will all wind up in heaven. I can't say the same about you and others still trying to work out their salvation (Phil 2:12). THEY are the priority. The souls in purgatory are already saved.

      You should be greatly troubled that it has not not so given the power of the prayer of St Gertrude.

      I have no idea what you're talking about. The souls in purgatory are saved already. I can't say the same about you.


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