
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The OT which Jesus used

Hi Lutero,
I said:
The Old Testament Septuagint was written by Jews. It is the version of the Old Testament which Jesus used. The Catholic Church uses the Septuagint version of the Old Testament. It includes those books which Protestants call “Apocrypha”.
You responded:
This means the RC Church is not the one true church established by Jesus as you have rightly pointed out that it does not use books of the OT which Jesus used but “spurious” ones to support un-biblical teachings. Most likely because of ego problems caused by the reformation
Read what I said again Lutero.   The Septuagint is the version of Scripture which Jesus used. And it includes the Deuterocanonicals, which the Protestants call apocryphal because they adopted the view of the enemies of Christ. Yes, the enemies of Christ, the Jews, denied the Deuterocanonicals because they were accepted by Christ.
De Maria


  1. The Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God-Rom 3:2 which means they knew what the Scriptures were.

    As for the Septuagint in the time of Jesus we don't know if they contained the Deuterocanonicals because the earliest copy of the Septuagint we have is only from the 4th century.

  2. AnonymousFebruary 28, 2013 at 10:44 AM

    The Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God-Rom 3:2 which means they knew what the Scriptures were.

    Yes, that is true. That is why the wrote the Septuagint version of Scriture. But, after Jesus came and used the Septuagint, they rejected it on that basis. The rejected it on the basis that Jesus and ultimately the Church, accepted it.

    As for the Septuagint in the time of Jesus we don't know if they contained the Deuterocanonicals because the earliest copy of the Septuagint we have is only from the 4th century.

    From the 4th century BC. Before Christ.

    We also know that Jesus used it because of the things He taught and the way He said things, which could have only come from the Septuagint.


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