
Monday, February 18, 2013

You can't baptize yourself

Lutero said:

I don't see anything in the verse you quoted that talks about "presents himself to the church for baptism".

Why would you just add that in there and pretend that's what was written?

 De Maria said:
That is what it means. Or did you baptize yourself?

Lutero said:

No, that is not what it means.

Philip, who was a dispenser of food and server of tables all by his lonesome baptised the Ethiopian eunuch.

Unless you count a chariot on the road to Gaza as "presenting yourself to the church."

Can one ex-deacon guy count as "the church?"

And no pope or priest in sight.

I don't think your Roman Church would agree.

I, on the other hand, have no problem with it.

Calvino said:

Any Christian can baptise someone if that person has not been baptised, in an emergency, according to the RCC. After all all Christians are Priests.

Lutero said:

Yeah, I remember reading that somewhere.

But, in this situation there does not appear to be any emergency, but rather a convenience.

But the Eunuch did not baptize himself, did he?  St. Philip is not an ex-deacon, but a Deacon in full communion with the Church.  Yes, the Catholic Church agrees with it, it is the Teaching of the Catholic Church.

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