
Friday, March 1, 2013

Catholics defend the same faith

Lico said:I don’t mind De Maria speaking for me, after all we defend the same faith. Something I doubt a Protestant-Calvinist would do for you.
Lutero responded:
It’s easier said than done. Adolph Hitler also brain-washed his Germany army to defend his view what he thought and held was the truth. As far as defending the faith is concerned, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God – Romans 10:17. Faith does not come by abiding in (Dog)mas nor (Catmas).
What in the world? Does that make sense to anybody? Lutero, that just sounds like Satan inspired invective. Calm down and speak rationally. Lico made two points which you simply ignored.
1. Because we are Catholic, it is valid that we can speak one for the other.
2. Because you espouse Protestantism, it is doubtful that any other Protestant can speak for you. Because you don’t hold the same faith.
Can you address those points?
Lico also said: 
Also, The Roman Catholic church codified the Bible in a sense that it was The RCC that organized and “united” all the books into the single book we know today. If not for the Catholic church, the protestants would not even know what books to base sola scriptura from.
Lutero replied: 
The early Christians knew which books of the Bible were inspired (part of the canon of scripture), so it doesn’t matter if the RCC went ahead to recognise it and as De Maria rightly pointed out that the CC did not use the Old Testament Jesus used but chose instead to use the Septugiant containing the spurious Deutrocanonical books an act to support its un-biblical doctrines and counter the reformation.
Jesus used the Septuagint. That is what I pointed out. The reason we use the Septuagint is because Jesus used it.
Thus the RCC is not the one true Church established by Christ because it does not use the Old Testament books used by Christ.
Yes, it does. So, if not using the version of the Old Testament which Jesus used proves which is the true Church, you have just proved that the Protestants are not the true Church.
In fact the RCC went ahead to codify the books of the Bible just to make a “show of it”. The CC should have called for an ecumenical dialog among the Churches, but it did not do so.
All the Churches used the Latin Vulgate up until the time of the Protestants. That is a simple fact. Look it up.
Lico said:Second, you need genuine faith which is accompanied by good works, thus you NEED BOTH. In a sense, it’s not choosing between blue or yellow, but rather green, wherein you need both blue AND yellow.
I have elaborated here in above on the topic of faith alone or faith plus works. See my post on July 1, 2012 at 9:40 PM.
Lol! Who are you? Have you crowned yourself pope? We have debunked all your messages. Go ahead, elaborate some more. And we will debunk you some more.
Lastly, If you’re an adamant protestant well,“Reason is the enemy of faith.” – Martin Luther (Founder of protestantism) The same man who divided Faith and good works
I am a Bible believing Christian
You CLAIM to believe the Bible. But the Bible does not teach Scripture alone (Matt 16:18-19Matt 18:171
Thess 2:13; 2 Thess 2:15Heb 13:717). The Bible does not teach faith alone (Rom 2:1-13Gal 5:6Rev 22:12-15).
and NOT a protestant because Protestant being ex-Catholics and Catholics are one and the same side of the coin.
Hm? Tell the truth. Didn’t you claim to be an ex-Catholic? You said, and I quote:
That is why we have the “cradle-Catholic” tag always there. I know i was myself at one time.
Are you an ex-Catholic or not?
Luther only rebelled against the papacy because he held to” certain” biblical views.
Because he held to certain biblical errors.
I don’t support Luther either (he too was a heretic) for he broke away from the RCC and brought along with him into the protestant Church several un-biblical practices of the RCC. Call it a massive hangover that happens after a late night booze party.
YOU are still suffering from that hangover.
De Maria

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