
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dead Christians

Lutero said,
Are you trying to say that these are DEAD CHRISTIANS which SATAN has taken into purgatory?
That's your interpretation?
That God is telling the church in Smyrna they are going to die and that Satan is going to put them in purgatory?
Yes. Or have you identified a prison on earth where the Devil is the warden?

So, it is your assertion that the Roman Church teaches that purgatory is here on earth in this life?
It is my assertion that this life is a test. In this life, if we do not expiate our sins and unite ourselves to Christ and become perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect, we will undergo purgation in the next life.

Purgatory is on earth while we are still living and Satan is in charge of it, right? I want to make sure that we're clear on what you are asserting.
You seem to be doing your best to twist what I am saying.

Here, let me explain. Have you ever heard of the Purgative Way? No? Here's a website that explains it.

If you go through the Purgative Way, in this life, without purging all your sins, then you will purge the rest of your sins in the next life, in Purgatory. Are you understanding it yet? Or do you want to Twist Again?

I hope that helps.


De Maria

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