
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Leaves your church out

Then that leaves out your church.....
The Catholic Church is the Apostolic Church.

Seems you are clueless as to the Great think you are exempt from it?
It is the Catholic Church which is the only one exercising it. 

So, when he told the Apostles that the general public was not to be told the meaning of the parables as it was just for them, he really meant everyone?
The obvious inference is that He taught the Apostles, which are the foundation of the Church, so that the people would come to the Church which He founded on the Apostles, to learn the truth.

The rest of your post is foolish gibberish and lies. I do not hate anything. When you start attacking the poster, it is proof you have lost the argument.
Its good to hear that you don't hate the Catholic Church. 


De Maria


  1. The Lord works in people wherever the gospel is announced and people believe it.

    That's good news! Is it not?

  2. Amen! Yes it is! Welcome Steve.

    But we have our differences as to what the Gospel entails. I hope you have time and maybe we can discuss in detail some of the differences. We've spoken before and I know that one of our differences is "faith alone". I think we are both sincere believers in our respective doctrines. But I sincerely don't see faith alone mentioned in Scripture. What I see is this:

    1. I see salvation by faith and works. I believe God will judge all men by their works at the end of time on Judgment Day. (Rev 22:12-15).

    2. I see justification by faith apart from works, in the Sacraments. When an adult converts, he turns to God, learns to trust God, comes to faith and begins to obey God's will. Then he requests Baptism. At Baptism, he approaches the fount of grace by faith in Christ Jesus. And it is according to this faith that grace is poured into his soul, effectively washing him of sin and creating a new person, a child of God. (Tit 3:5).

    3. That doesn't mean the person is yet saved. He must persevere in good works to the end in order to be saved. With frequent recourse to the Sacraments in order to fortify his faith he may endure. (Rom 2:1-13).

    What do you see Steve and where is it in Scripture?


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