
Monday, March 4, 2013


Hi Lutero,
You said,
Some dosier on the SeptuagintIf you look in the preface of a modern Bible, you will probably find a reference to the Septuagint, or LXX for short. The translators of all modern Bibles, including the New King James, use the Septuagint along with other texts in translating the Bible. They claim that the Septuagint contains true readings not found in the preserved Hebrew text. Thus they give it great importance. But what is the Septuagint? Here’s how the legend goes:….

Obviously, you don’t care for the Septuagint. And you want to convince me that the Septuagint is not worth the paper upon which it is written. Fair enough. Let me explain something to you. You have given me a choice. I should believe YOU. Or I can believe the Church about which Scripture says:
I’m not going to ask you. I’ll ask the readers. Whom do you believe? Lutero, a man who admits he is fallible. Or the Church which Scripture describes as infallible?
I’ll tell you who I believe. The Catholic Church.
De Maria

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