
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thank God for you!

De Maria,
Thank God for you! I went on similar path to you raised Catholic, fell away, grew up and found the truth with the help of a fantastic priest and lots of research. I recently had a similar discussion with a fallen away Catholic, who had written an anti Catholic article in the local paper. What I found is simular to what you have encountered with these non believers. Its almost like trying to help a blind person understand the beauty of a rainbow. No matter how hard you try if there eyes are not able to see it is hard to help them understand. But by your excellent defense you have strengthened a brother. Thank you and God Bless you.
You are absolutely correct. All we do is plant and water. God gives the growth. I don’t even look for results. But messages like yours help to stoke my fire.
Thank you. And God bless you as well,
De Maria

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