
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Supposedly, Jesus and the 13/14 Apostles all taught as Dogma that Mary was Assumed into Heaven

Lutero said:
Supposedly, Jesus and the 13/14 Apostles all taught as Dogma that Mary was Assumed into Heaven upon Her death (or was it undeath). In my Catholic years, I was never clear how all 13/14 Apostles knew that before 31 AD, but let's move on....
Read the Scripture. Rev 12:1

My Catholic teachers admitted there is NO evidence..... at all..... that it was taught..... at all..... by anything or anyone.... before the 5th Century. That's quite a few years after Jesus and the 13/14 Apostles were no longer teaching personally/directly on Earth.
If you were listening to Catholic teachers, you should be able to trace their teachings to the Catechism. Either the new one or the Baltimore Catechism. Show me where it says anything about, so called 13/14 Apostles.

It was declared to be dogma in 1950, if my memory is right (correct me if it isn't on that point). It seems to me that 1950 is several centuries after 30.
That proves that you weren't listening to Catholic teachers. Catholic teachers would have explained that the dogmatic declaration confirmed that which was taught in the Deposit of faith from the time of the Apostles.

BTW, the OOC and EOC - both of which also have this "Tradition" - say it's not in there at all. Certainly not as Dogma. They also claim that Purgatory is not in there at all (as dogma or otherwise). That Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception and the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff and Transubstantiation - all DOGMAS, well, none of them are in there either. As dogmas or as anything. Someone's not telling the truth? It could all be solved if the OOC, EOC and RCC would do like the LDS did - just publish it. "The Second Testimony - all the Holy Spirit didn't put in the Bible" Easy. Then we'd all know if one of you is wrong, or maybe two or maybe all 3. We could see it, read it. Good idea? It SURE would help! If it's DOGMAS from Jesus and all 13/14 Apostles, why not just print it for us all to read and see? Would solve a lot....
Here's what isn't there. Scripture alone and Faith alone. Show those from Scripture. Because Scripture says:
2 Thessalonians 2:15

King James Version (KJV)

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

James 2:24

King James Version (KJV)
24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

Thus Protestant doctrine contradicts the Word of God.


De Maria

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