
Monday, July 1, 2013

There are those who believe they are righteous already

Lutero said:

There are those who believe they are righteous already (Pharisees and modern day Pharisees of various false religions). They stand in their own self righteousness. Only those who acknowledge they are sinners and their complete need for a Savior will be able to respond in repentance. Those who think they are healthy don't see their need for a physician.
Those who claim to be already saved by faith ALONE are modern day Pharisees, relying upon themselves for salvation. Or tell me, how do you measure your faith? Do you have a special measuring cup in which you pour it and does it say, "Full, do not over fill, your cup runneth over?"

Christ knows whose faith trusts in Him for salvation and whose does not.
Exactly!  CHRIST KNOWS.  Therefore, we leave that judgment to Christ.


De Maria

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