
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Memorize the Bible - Philippians 4:13

Have you ever wanted to memorize the Bible?  I have.  So, I decided to start and see how far I could get.

I didn't know how to start.  Starting from the beginning and memorizing by rote seemed boring.  So, I looked into a memory trick called mnemonics.  That sounded impressive, so that's how I'm going to begin.  I'm going to start with certain verses that I already love and therefore would have a propensity to remember.  And I'm going to use some the mnemonic tools that I found here.  Especially, the numeric (aka phonetic) alphabet.

I haven't read the entire website, but I know that they also recommend visualization, exaggeration, humor and any trick to make the thing more memorable.

With that in mind, let's begin.

This is the verse I want to memorize:

Philippians 4:13 I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.

Let's break Philippians down into the following:

Phili sounds like "filly" and a filly is a female colt, a female horse.  So, picture a filly in your mind.
pains sounds like "piano" and a piano is a large instrument to play music.  So, picture a piano next to that filly.

Now, if you go to the numeric alphabet, you'll see that the number "4" is represented by the letter "r".
And the number "1" can be represented by the letter "d".
And the number "3" can be represented by the letter "m"

So, we've got the letters r, d, and m.

Which I've put together to make the phrase, "ride'em".

So, in order to remember Philippians 4:13,

Let's visualize a piano riding on the back of a filly.  So, say to yourself, "filly piano ride 'em".  And picture a piano riding on top of a filly.

Now, let's go to the text.  It says, "I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me."

Now, visualize yourself approaching the filly with the piano riding on top of it and putting your hands on the filly's belly and attempting to dead lift the filly with the piano on top of it.  The filly turns and looks at you quizzically, like asking, "What are you doing?"

At first you can't do it.  But then, you feel a hand on your back, you turn to look and the hand belongs to Jesus.  And then, you get back to work and dead lift the filly, piano and all.  Because Christ strengthens you and you can do anything.  Therefore, "you can do all things in Him who strengthens you."

I'm going to practice this all week and then I'll post another one.


De Maria

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