
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Children who die without Baptism

The Church does not teach that the only alternative to Heaven is Hell. For one, there is Purgatory which, while a temporary state, is an alternative state nonetheless. Theologians have previously hypothesized "Limbo", or a state of natural (as opposed to supernatural) happiness for the good unbaptized souls. What the Church makes perfectly clear however is that, in agreement with your argument, it is personal sin which condemns a soul to Hell. Those who have not committed such sins will not go to Hell, though the Church has not ruled definitively specifically where they will go.

De Maria:
Correct. My point is that a child who dies without Baptism hypothetically goes to or enters a state of Limbo. If the only two states of being that will remain after the Judgement are Heaven and Hell, then where would these children wind up after the judgement? Certainly not Hell as they have not committed a willful and actual sin. Therefore, it is only just that they enter Heaven. Further, if such a state as Limbo exists, it must be a temporary state of being just like Purgatory. Again, because only God, Heaven and Hell are eternal. So why even invent another temporary state of being since Purgatory could purify these children's souls of Original Sin and thereby render them capable of entering Heaven.

Thanks for the input.


De Maria

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