
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Help! I've been bombarded with a bunch of garbage!


 I can't help it...have to ask again!

I'm trying to read more, etc. about the Faith, etc. to know more on my own so I wont have to keep asking but now I got a bunch of e-mails from the non-Catholics and I've been bombarded with a bunch of garbage! I know you guys have told me to don't worry about it and do more research, etc. but now I can't help but ask again (I find that if I ask, I feel a little better!) and below are the EXACT quotes that they've said:

"Neither is she [Mary]a help to us, she is dead and in heaven and no longer accessible to us. Hebrews tells us that Christ is our intercessor and He ALONE."

"When Yeshua told Peter His church would be built "on this rock", what "rock" was He referring to?* Remember the question He asked Peter first?* He asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?"* He wanted Peter (because*Yeshua knew what Peter would say*before Peter ever answered) to truly understand the foundation of His teachings.* Peter answered, "You are the Son of G-d."* It was then that Yeshua said, "On this rock..." (the rock being the saving knowledge and faith that Yeshua is the Son of G-d) "...I will build my church."* The rock Yeshua was talking about was not, as many have been taught, Peter, himself, but Peter's unwavering faith.* Perhaps you would be willing to think and pray about what I have said and see if your spirit might not testify to what I have said?"

"Nicole Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit when he left and told us that the Holy Spirit would lead us to truth, to worship, the Holy Spirit is the embodiment of Christ, they together are GOD.
So it is not accurate to say that God uses or needs man to lead his church, remember when he told the Pharisees that he could raise stones to worship him? That thing about building the church on peter is heresy and goes against God in the most foul manner possible! The church is built on Christ and when Christ said this to Peter he was referring to the faith Peter expressed in the verses before that, faith that Christ himself gave him and nothing of Peter's. Why Peter wasn't even the beloved apostle but perhaps the most volatile and*impulsive among the lot, if God were to choose a single member of his Apostles it would not have been Peter. Please go back and read that verse in its context and stop following CC one liners, danger lies there."

"Do you really think you'll go to someplace called Purgatory when you die? Please so me something to support that.There is only one thing that can cleanse us of our sins. That is the Blood of Jesus."

"I was taken back by one comment of yours and I think that perhaps you didn't mean it but were in a moment of high emotion. You said: You also said that "Catholics say that Protestants aren't getting the "fullness", [and this is what Catholics have told me so that's why I told the people!] to which I ask you *has any of these counselors ever explained what they mean by that? I find it confusing and therefore of interest. In various forms of protestants there are those of the full gospel who certainly would disagree with the thought that THEY don't have the fullness.
But all forms of protestant worship have .

And for your information Catholics were NOT the first church nor the first body. You would do well to investigate the Eastern Orthodox church,**they may dare to*suggest that they were the first body, truth is they and the Catholics were one but there were those in the western parts that began to stir up the idea of the Papacy with the notion that the Pope was infallible.

But not even that was the beginning Nicole. What your Catholic friends are not telling you and what you are not researching for yourself in this matter of eternal consequence is that there NEVER really was a single body of Christians. From the very beginning there were factions and people with various interpretations. Have a look at this material I have collected on your behalf.

De Maria said:

I'll address their statements.

"Neither is she [Mary]a help to us, she is dead and in heaven and no longer accessible to us. Hebrews tells us that Christ is our intercessor and He ALONE."

+++The Bible tells us that those who die in Christ live and do not die. Therefore Mary is still alive.

+++The Bible tells us that we are to do on earth what is done in heaven and that Jesus is our model. The Bible also tells us that we are God's co-workers. Therefore, if Christ is our intecessor in heaven, we will also intercede for each other in heaven. Because the Saints in heaven have gotten there because they are perfect imitators of Christ.

"When Yeshua told Peter His church would be built "on this rock", what "rock" was He referring to?* Remember the question He asked Peter first?* He asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?"* He wanted Peter (because*Yeshua knew what Peter would say*before Peter ever answered) to truly understand the foundation of His teachings.* Peter answered, "You are the Son of G-d."* It was then that Yeshua said, "On this rock..." (the rock being the saving knowledge and faith that Yeshua is the Son of G-d) "...I will build my church."* The rock Yeshua was talking about was not, as many have been taught, Peter, himself, but Peter's unwavering faith.* Perhaps you would be willing to think and pray about what I have said and see if your spirit might not testify to what I have said?"

+++Actually what He said to Peter is "Simon son of Jonah, *you* are rock. " Then He said, "upon this rock I will build my Church.

First Jesus identified the Rock, Peter and then He said what He would do upon that Rock.

I would like to add that it does no harm to Catholic doctrine to believe that Jesus is the Rock. He is. But in this instance, He designates Peter as the Rock to make a point. Up to this point in faith history, only God (hundreds of times) and Abraham (once) had been referred to as the Rock. Jesus is making the point that Peter is like Abraham and like Himself. Peter will be the Spiritual Father of Nations, the Papa or Pope, and it is to Peter that we will have recourse when Jesus ascends into heaven. Peter will feed the sheep, Peter will strengthen his brethren.

"Nicole Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit when he left and told us that the Holy Spirit would lead us to truth, to worship, the Holy Spirit is the embodiment of Christ, they together are GOD.
So it is not accurate to say that God uses or needs man to lead his church, remember when he told the Pharisees that he could raise stones to worship him? That thing about building the church on peter is heresy and goes against God in the most foul manner possible! The church is built on Christ and when Christ said this to Peter he was referring to the faith Peter expressed in the verses before that, faith that Christ himself gave him and nothing of Peter's. Why Peter wasn't even the beloved apostle but perhaps the most volatile and*impulsive among the lot, if God were to choose a single member of his Apostles it would not have been Peter. Please go back and read that verse in its context and stop following CC one liners, danger lies there."

+++If that were true then how do this person explain Jesus' saying to Peter, "Do you love me more than these?" "Feed My Sheep."

Read the Bible again and note that Peter is mentioned first amongst the apostles almost every time. Only once or twice is he not mentioned first.

to be continued


De Maria


"Do you really think you'll go to someplace called Purgatory when you die? Please so me something to support that.There is only one thing that can cleanse us of our sins. That is the Blood of Jesus."

+++Have him read 1 Cor 3:10 through 15.

No, I'm not shooting for Purgatory, I'm shooting for Heaven. It is comforting to know however, that if I fall and commit venial sin, I won't be condemned to hell but will be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus which I partake of in every Mass. Jesus said, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have life eternal." Have you partaken of Jesus' blood lately?

"I was taken back by one comment of yours and I think that perhaps you didn't mean it but were in a moment of high emotion. You said: You also said that "Catholics say that Protestants aren't getting the "fullness", [and this is what Catholics have told me so that's why I told the people!] to which I ask you *has any of these counselors ever explained what they mean by that? I find it confusing and therefore of interest. In various forms of protestants there are those of the full gospel who certainly would disagree with the thought that THEY don't have the fullness.

+++The fullness of the Gospel not only in the doctrines and teachings but especially in the graces given by God is not received by in its fullness by anyone who willfully remains outside the Catholic Church.

A very simple example is the tremendous grace of having the Eucharistic meal. The meal which the Bible says is "our daily bread" and of which Jesus says, "that bread is my flesh for the life of the world."

No, nonCatholics do not have the fullness of the Gospel.

"But all forms of protestant worship have .
And for your information Catholics were NOT the first church nor the first body. You would do well to investigate the Eastern Orthodox church,**they may dare to*suggest that they were the first body, truth is they and the Catholics were one but there were those in the western parts that began to stir up the idea of the Papacy with the notion that the Pope was infallible.
+++I have no quarrel with the Eastern Orthodox. The Catholic Church teaches that their Sacraments and their Orders are valid. Therefore their Church is valid.

"But not even that was the beginning Nicole. What your Catholic friends are not telling you and what you are not researching for yourself in this matter of eternal consequence is that there NEVER really was a single body of Christians. From the very beginning there were factions and people with various interpretations. Have a look at this material I have collected on your behalf."

Yeah, there was one body, one doctrine in the beginning. But from the beginning the Apostles were fighting to keep it together.

The Bible says, "Even if an angel should bring you a different Gospel, let him be anathema."


De Maria

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