
Monday, January 20, 2014

A Valid Sacrament Versus a Fruitful Sacrament

What is the difference between a valid sacrament and a fruitful sacrament? A valid sacrament is one which is done in accordance with the intention of the church. It has to follow the proper form and matter.

A fruitful sacrament is a valid sacrament which produces good fruit in the recipient. Not everyone who is baptized receives the grace of baptism to the fullest. The grace received depends upon the disposition of the recipient. 

Some people put up many roadblocks to the grace of God. Even though they receive a valid sacrament it would be unfruitful to them.

 And some people are like fountains of grace who put up no impediment whatsoever. For them a valid sacrament is very fruitful.

Whether an invalid sacrament can be fruitful is an open question. Because the spirit of God goes where it will. Therefore, it is very possible that the spirit of God may pour his grace into anyone whom he chooses.


De Maria

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