
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Paschal Sacrifice - Dr. Scott Hahn

God will provide a way out

I enjoyed the entire lesson.  But I really benefited from this part of it. At 53 minutes and 24 seconds into the video,

Dr. Hahn said:
in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 Paul says something very profound and practical

therefore and let anyone who thinks that he stands
take heed lest he fall 

we know that phrase because it's paraphrase we
we say pride goeth before the fall
but anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall 
if you think 
rich look again you're poor
if you think you're strong look again your lame
if you think you've got 20 20 vision look at the Eucharist
and tell me what appears to be there 
we're all sharing
this kind of physical blindness in our natures
but then Paul says 

verse 13 no temptation has overtaken you that is notcommon to man

in other words don't think your temptations are unique in the problems you face
a lot of other people have the same or worse that's helpful but that's not
enough support, he goes on
to say 

God is faithful he will not let you be tempted
beyond your strength but with the temptation will also provide
the way of escape so that you may be able to endure it

and THAT is helpful that's consolation so you're not gonna face
any trial or
temptation that is unique
others have faced plus God will give you the grace
to withstand the temptation to endure

and then in almost every English translation there's a paragraph break
in mine there's actually a new subheading.  It  looks like Paul
changing the subject except the next verse begins in 

verse 14
therefore my beloved 

but that's not how you begin a new subject that's how you
draw conclusion
and Paul's  a logical thinker whenever you see him using therefore ask
what it's there for because he's about the draw an important conclusion

therefore my beloved I'm speaking as the sensible
man.   Judge for yourselves what I say,
the cup of blessing which we bless,
is it not a participation in the blood of Christ?

the bread which we break is it not a
participation in the body of Christ?

you know and the Corinthian readers just
like modern readers might look into and say,
"Yeah okay, the cup of blessing which we blessed
is a communion in the blood of Christ the bread which we break
it's a communion in the body of Christ but what's your point I mean 
you kinda zigged where we thought you'd zag
you were talking about how God who always provide
a way of escape so that you can endure whatever trials and temptations come
your way and then you seemingly change subjects or DID HE?

When we are tempted, I was on the turnpike a couple weeks ago
and everybody was first really speeding I'm at sixty-five they're going 75 I wastooand I saw this clearing you know about a mile and a half straight away
just think I can go eighty I gotta get there
and as I was about to give in to the temptation
I saw the cop before he saw me.
is that do you think that's what Paul is talking about?
That he provides the way of escape?
I don't think that's what Paul talking about!
what is he talking about what is the way of escape that he provides so that we
can endure whatever trialscome our way the very next verse 

therefore I'm speaking as the sensible
man judge for yourselves what I say
the cup of blessing which we bless

it's the Eucharist it's the Eucharist!

the Eucharist that Jesus instituted
to make his life a gift of love
not a life that was lost on Friday but a life that was given
on Thursday and approved that his body was given up to prove that His blood
would be poured out
he endured the agony of Good Friday
but only to prove that this was more than rhetoric
this is more than ritual the reality of his love is life-giving
and He gives it to us because on Easter Sunday
we have the resurrected body of Christ so that in our own mortal  bodies we can
endure trials and face temptations and not give into our own
weakness not give in to our own last or temper
our own willfulness and pride
we can take that love and transform our suffering into a holy sacrifice!


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