
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Symbolon RCIA and Faith Formation

Symbolon RCIA and Faith Formation

CLICK HERE to see a short video about Symbolon

Through a partnership of Lighthouse Catholic Media and the Augustine Institute, we are happy to bring to parishes the first Adult Faith Formation tool that can truly reach EVERYONE in the parish: Symbolon.

Available by accessing a website with a log in, now every adult in a parish can learn their faith better and be equipped to live it more fully. This website and access, which we call the DIGITAL PLATFORM is now available to parishes for only $600 a year.
Digital (online access) Platform can reach EVERY parishioner, ANY time, ANY where on any online device!


For a $600 annual subscription fee, the parish receives access for every parishioner to view the first 10 episodes of Symbolon: on theircomputer, in their home, on their smart phone or through a tablet,AS WELL AS the traditional way of gathering together at the parish.
FREE DVD set with Digital Subscription

When a parish subscribes by June 1, 2014, they also receive a FREE set of the SYMBOLON DVDS for the first 10 episodes with FREE SHIPPING, a $100 value. Additionally when a parish subscribes by June 1, 2014, they will also receive digitally episodes 11-20 in the fall of 2014 automatically with no additional charge and a $300 credit toward a Lighthouse Catholic Media Next Generation Kiosk.

For a parish of 1200 registered families, the $600 subscription is only $.50 (that's fifty cents) per family for a full year!

The first 10 episodes are titled Knowing the Faith ~ The Catholic Creed and include:
1. The Journey of Faith (19:49*)
6. The Paschal Mystery (33:00*)
2. Divine Revelation (32:23*)
7. The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace (36:39*)
3. The Bible (32:55*)
8. Why Do I Need A Church? (44:14*)
4. The Story of Salvation (34:05*)
9. Mary and the Saints (36:01*)
5. Who Is Jesus? (32:51*)
10. The Last Things (39:46*)
*Each episode has 2 parts: a short 5-7 minute introduction and a longer 20-25 minute teaching

CLICK HERE for an excerpt of Episode 4 The Story of Salvation

Participant packets and Leaders Guides are also available for an additional charge either in hard copy (Participant Packets also available digitally).

CLICK HERE to order Symbolon DVD (Episodes 1-10) immediately


Contact me to find out more about Symbolon:
De Maria
(713) 302-4774

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