
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So I will pay you the compliment of believing you to care about truth

Continued from


I believe my previous post here was fair comment. You were drawing conclusions based on a premise that was not accepted by me and for which you had not yet provided any argument.
In your opinion. In my opinion, I have devastated your argument, whether you accept that fact or not.

You have since provided some. Thank you. I have read those arguments for the Catholic church, and I have read far more. I am not ignorant of how Catholicism is defended. In return, I ask you to read this:
To what end? I have read all the Protestant hogwash that I want. 

Stop pre-judging.
Pre-judging what? I have tested all the Protestant doctrines from Scripture and found them wanting.

Please. If you are unable to admit the possibility of being wrong, then why are we having this conversation.
Who can admit error when they are right. First prove that I am wrong and then I will admit error. But until you do, you need to admit your error when I prove you wrong.

Surely as Christians we ought to not dishonour others, not be easily angered, and we ought to "rejoice in the truth"...
Truth dishonors no one.
I am not angry. You should talk to your Protestant brethren about that. It is they who get angry when they are proven wrong.
Yes, I rejoice in the truth. That is why I'm Catholic.

and let the chips fall where they may.


So I will pay you the compliment of believing you to care about truth and to weigh the evidence as fairly as you can.
Thank you. I return the compliment.


De Maria

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