
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

As for atheism, it is a belief in nothing. With support for nothing.

Answering Atheism

Ateo pretending to be Lutero:

You were defending the church, and the church applies it only to priests.
Said like a person who knows nothing about Catholicism.

1st. The Church suggests virginity and celibacy for the good of all in accordance with the Scripture.
2nd. The Church also permits laypeople to make vows of celibacy and join Religious orders in accordance with this Scripture.
3rd. The Church forbids no one from following the advice of this Scripture.
And finally, the Western rite of the Church imposes this as a discipline on priests. But not the Eastern. They continue to have a married priesthood and remain in union with the Pope and the Magisterium.

I thought all men were supposed to serve God. But then, I've never been a Roman Catholic, so maybe you can set me straight. Does your church teach that only priests can serve God?
Your logic is twisted. It is St. Paul who says that unmarried men serve God without distraction. Are you doubting the truth of Scripture?

I'm an atheist.
No wonder you know nothing about Christianity. So why are you pretending to be a Protestant?

I don't believe that there is any Word of God for me to know anything about. What you call Scripture is, as far as I can tell, a compilation of certain men's opinions about God. And yes, I reject those opinions.
And I reject your opinions. So? 

As for atheism, it is a belief in nothing. With support for nothing. It boils down to a belief in what you can imagine. No scientific proof, no forensic proof, nothing.


De Maria

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