
Saturday, September 27, 2014

It is illogical to say comparison of your church to the Catholic Church voids the teaching of Scripture

Ah yes, and I also remember kneeling at the communion rail and the Roman Catholic priest bearing the chalice that would whiz to and fro the inner sanctuary to distribute communion, and as he would pass by the stench of alcohol that radiated from him permeated the air - passing out communion thru blurry, bloodshot eyes and with a shaking hand to hold the "body of Christ" that just hours before was holding booze-filled containers pressed to his lips as he guzzled down his favorite liquor. And they blasphemously call themselves "another Christ".
The teaching of the Catholic Church has been proven sufficiently by the Catholics who posted before me. If you know of some priest who does not obey the Church, why do you blame it on the Church?

In my life, I met several misbehaving Protestant ministers. One of them was a drunkard who loved to force himself on his female employees. Should that be blamed on his Protestant upbringing and faith?


Comparing Catholic priests to Protestant ministers means there goes out the window of the Catholic Church being the self titled 'One True Church' and the 'fullness of anything'.
Non Sequitur.

It is illogical to say that my comparison of any aspect of your church to the Catholic Church would somehow disqualify the teaching of Scripture:

1 Timothy 3:15

King James Version (KJV)

15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

Obviously Catholic apologists don't believe the faith they pretend to embrace.
This is a false conclusion based upon a false premise. Since your premise above is false, you have been led to a false conclusion.


De Maria

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